He is often considered the "Father of, botany" for his works on plants. After Plato's, death, he attached himself to Aristotle. He, came to Athens at a young age and initially studied in Plato's school. He classified plants into herbs, undershrubs, shrubs and trees., He also gave the names annual, biennials and perennails to plants., Theophrastus is also known as "Father of ancient plant taxonomy",, -2,, N,, He was a Greek native of Eresos in Lesbos, was the successor to Aristotle. His two surviving botanical works, Enquiry into plants, (Historia Plantarum) and On the causes of Plants, were an important influence on, Renaissance science.
Mayr was awarded the three prizes widely, regarded as the triple crown of biology: the Balzan Prize in 1983, the, International Prize for Biology in 1994, and the Crafoord Prize in 1999., Mayr died at the age of 100 in the year 2004.,, 0,, 19,, Carolus Linnaeus ( - 10 January 1778),, 20,, LL, E,, The interests of Theophrastus were wide ranging, extending from biology and physics, to ethics and metaphysics. He also pioneered the currently accepted, definition of a biological species. He almost, single-handedly made the origin of species diversity the central question of, evolutionary biology that it is today. Throughout his nearly, 80-year career, his research spanned ornithology, taxonomy, zoogeography, evolution, systematics, and the history and philosophy of biology. Mayr joined Harvard’s, Faculty of Arts and Sciences in 1953 and retired in 1975, assuming the title, Alexander Agassiz Professor of Zoology Emeritus. He then returned to Sweden, where he became, professor of medicine and botany at Uppsala university., Ernst Mayr (1904-2004),, Born on 5 July 1904, in Kempten, Germany, ERNST MAYR, the Harvard, University evolutionary biologist who has been called ‘The Darwin of the 20th, century’, was one of the 100 greatest scientists of all time.

He published a first edition of his Systema, Naturae in the Netherlands. Many, his writings were in Latin, and his name is rendered in Latin as Carolus Linnaeus, (abbreviation - "Linn").,, Se,, A,, Linnaeus received most of his higher education at Uppsala University, and began, giving lectures in botany there in 1730. He is known by the epithet "Father of modern taxonomy". He first classified, plants into three groups (i) Herbs (ii) Shrubs (iii) Trees, Theophrastus (371-287 BC),, ss, io,, n,, He was also known as Carl Von Linne he was a Swedish botanist, physician and, zoologist, who formalised the modern system of naming organisms called binomial, nomenclature. Aristotle was the first genuine scientist in history and every scientist, is in his debt.He is regarded as father of biology and zoology. Shortly after Plato died, Aristotle left Athens and, at the request of Philip of Macedon, tutored Alexander, the Great. His writings cover many subjects including physics, biology, zoology, metaphysics, poetry, politics and government.

At eighteen, he joined, Plato's Academy in Athens and remained there until the age of thirty seven (c.347, BC). His father died when Aristotle was a child. Salient features and, classification of plants into major groups-Algae, Bryophytes, Pteridophytes, Gymnosperms and Angiosperms (three, to five salient and distinguishing features and at least two examples of each category) Angiosperms- classification, up to class, characteristic features and examples).Īristotle (384-322 BC), He was a Greek philosopher and scientist born in the city of Stagira, Chalkidice, of classical Greece. Five kingdom classification salient features and, classification of Monera Protista and Fungi into major groups Lichens Viruses and Viroids. Bryophyta,, 0,, 1,, N,, Taxonomy,, 66,, 71,, Exercise-I (Conceptual Questions),, 8.,, Exercise-II (Previous Years Questions),, 9.,, Exercise-III (Analytical Questions),, 118,, 10.,, Exercise-IV (Assertion & Reason),, 128,, 11.,, Virus,, 132,, ss, io,, n,, 7.,, Se,, A,, Page,, 1.,, LL, E,, DIVERSITY IN THE LIVING WORLD,, S.No.,, 83, 100,, 12.,, Lichen,, 135,, 13.,, Mycorrhiza,, 137,, 14.,, The living World,, 138,, E,, NEET SYLLABUS,, DIVERSITY IN LIVING WORLD : What is living? Biodiversity Need for classification Three domains of life, Taxonomy & Systematics Concept of species and taxonomical hierarchy Binomial nomenclature Tools for study, of Taxonomy – Museums, Zoos, Herbaria, Botanical gardens.